
Super-fast tree plotting for arboriculturists
Qarb is a plug in CAD application for BricsCAD® and AutoCAD® that creates BS 5837 compliant drawings for tree reports, It’s tree plottinf software for any type of Tree Survey Plan. Whether it is to support a planning application or for general tree management purposes the software efficiently delivers a high quality end product.
Qarb was designed alongside experienced arboriculturists with a focus on functionality and ease of use. Despite the typical user being presumed not to be a CAD expert, the software is designed to be quick, flexible and easy to use.
Qarb was specifically developed for CAD as most of the supplied information, including topographical surveys and proposal plans are supplied in the .dwg format, making it easy to collaborate with design teams and simplify the sharing of information.
The time that users save by creating Tree Survey Plans using Qarb far outweighs the investment cost. Our users frequently tell us that the increased efficiency that they gain by using this software means that it quickly pays for itself within the production of a small number of tree reports. See Qarb in action in our training videos here.
Why Choose Qarb?
Software Experts and Arboriculturists
Qarb is the quick, easy-to-use solution for plotting trees, developed by Arboriculturists for Arboriculturists. No more hand drawn plans or systems that take hours out of the working day. With Qarb, your workflow is minimised to make the most efficient use of your time.
You will be producing professional looking, BS5837 compliant drawings to issue to clients, competently and quickly.
Our friendly, helpful team will be on hand to assist you personally to get the most from Qarb from day one and to provide support whenever needed.
Qarb is available for both BricsCAD® and AutoCAD®.
How Does Qarb Work?
Tree survey data is imported into Qarb from a csv as derived from your own spreadsheet or data collection device/mobile app. Then when Qarb is launched, settings such as North, drawing units or layer prefix can be set and then the csv can be imported. You simply match Qarb’s headings with those used in the csv file on the import screen. Normally this needs to be done just the once.
The imported data is then available in Qarb to plot trees on the Tree Survey and/or Tree Constraints Plan. Then at the click of a button it will draw the tree references, stems, canopies, Root Protection Areas (RPAs) following the BS5837 standard. Canopy styles are user defined and can be shown as single, smooth polylines, arcs or indented for a natural looking shape. RPAs and Canopies can even be hatched if required.
A Tree Protection Fencing tool can also be used to show which retained trees are to be protected on the Tree Protection Plan signified by a labelled polyline.

Why is Qarb Different?
Qarb lets its users choose their preferred style for the production of Tree Surveys, and its built in flexibility allows for maximum adaptability within the drawing.
Trees can be plotted as individuals or groups with either individual or continuous canopies. Freeform hedges can also be drawn using a range of polylines. Labels can be included and modified, and a handy search tool means you can zoom to any tree instantly. Qarb also really comes into its own if you collect XY (Easting/Northing) coordinates of the surveyed trees. Qarb can then be set to mass plot them all into a geo-referenced drawing with a single click. Plotting trees really could not be simpler. A full list of Qarb’s flexible features can be seen below.

Qarb features
- BS5837 compliant, meaning your drawings are to the required British Standard for assessing trees in relation to construction.
- Instant plotting from XY coordinates/GPS data (optional)
- Personalised layer prefix.
- Personalised label and font styles.
- Crown spread displayed based on north, east, south and west measurements
- Trees can be plotted as individuals or groups with either individual or continuous canopies.
- Freeform hedges can be drawn using a range of polyline styles.
- Flexible canopy style
- Shadows
- RPA instantly calculated for single and multi-stemmed trees
- Tree Protection Fencing
- Find tree function
Our experts are on hand to answer any of your queries so feel free to get in touch, we’re here for you.